About me.

My name is Plume, I'm 27 and after years of wanting to but never actually doing it, I've finally decided to create a website. Welcome to, a little corner of the internet all to my own.

What do I look like?

Like this. :3

Selfie. Image Description. In this photo, I am leaned forward looking at the camera. Here is a description of myself: I have bright skin, long brown hair that fall on the left side of my face and I have big brown/hazel eyes. I'm wearing a short sleeved grey hoodie with some black and red designs on it, below I'm wearing a short dark skirt and my legs are covered in black tights. I'm holding my hands together in front of my legs, I also have a watch on my left arm, it has a black silicone band. End description.

Photo taken 2024-07-13.

Prologue / Chapter 1.

I grew up in the south of France. I had a childhood that, the more I dissect it, the more I realize wasn't as uneventful as I'd imagined. My whole school life, with a few exceptions, is a series of bad memories.

Set off on a road to nowhere, I had the opportunity to start afresh by moving to Bordeaux at the age of 21, where I now live. I could say that's where my life really began, but that was just an introduction.

At 25, in 2023, after a long series of increasingly violent existential crises, I finally accept myself as the woman I am. End of prologue, chapter 1.

My name is Plume.

But it hasn't always been my first name, it's the only one I recognize myself by. I'm a transgender woman (She/Her). This means that when I was born, my physiology led to me being called a boy, and my whole life was turned upside down before it even started by that fact. It wasn't until I was 25 that I was able to accept myself and finally start living as me, but I was already aware of this reality in my early childhood.

My name is Plume and I hope I can live up to the softness this name evokes.

Trans and autistic.

There are lots of things I am and I hope I can embody a lot more than just those things, but if I had to take two things that are key to sharing with you who I am, it would be that I'm autistic and most importantly, that I'm a trans woman.

The first, because so many things that people find atypical about me actually come from that. And the second, because in the same way that the gender I was assigned at birth has impacted my entire life trajectory, my transition has changed everything and spared nothing in my life.

A lot of the things I am could be stripped of me, and I'd still be me, a lesser me, but still me, but it would be hard to take away these two aspects of myself without erasing what makes me "me" in the process It's not just a big part of my life, in itself, it's the clay molds me, my entire worldview and its views of me passes through that prism. My place in this society, my rights, my future, everything is shaped by it.

Being transgender like being autistic doesn't define me, I'm not autistic, I'm not trans, no, I'm Plume, I'm me, but these are two aspects of my life so central to my lived and perceived identity, that defining me without mentioning these two aspects would be an incomplete and deeply flawed description.

My little corner of the internet.

This is my website. This place is my perch, my nest, my cocoon, my digital bedroom, my place all to myself. It's a place for the things I write, the thoughts I immerse myself in but never find a place to store. I'll post about anything and everything here. It's in some ways, kind of personal archive of what I do, whether on the Internet or in the real world.

The Internet is a strange place where nothing disappears, but everything gets lost.

Everything I've posted will never disappear, but finding it again will require considerable archival work. I don't think what I have to say is particularly interesting, but I'm spending enough time on it that I regret how quickly it could be lost.

I write too much. Everything I do is too long. When I was inspired to write something, it was often destined to be a comment on YouTube or something. I'd end up making a long comment under a YouTube video that would never be read, because it'd get lost in the ever growing pile of comments.

I was often saddened to know that these things, whether mine or other's would simply get lost. I've seen too many fascinating and highly relevant things lost in a sea of comments under a post or video.

It would also happen, for whatever reason, that it would never leave my notes, forever doomed to gather digital dust.

This was my personal solution to that problem. I'd post everything here. This was my personal archive, a partial backup of myself. It's a space that I wanted to dedicate entirely to myself, that very few will probably see, and that was and still is fine with me. It was a space for and by me.

This place wasn't intended to be thematically consistent. My posts could be about a deeply political subject, or about an artistic project I've been working on. A statement of activism, followed by an intimate anecdote. An existential crisis, between two opinions on video games. Maybe even a bit of all of the above.

This started as a single blog, then a microblog which turned into what is now the called the "journal", and all of this has been brought under one roof, one single website, with even more content, an actual microblog and everything, a place all to my own. It used to be multiple blogs, now it's all and more under

Other things about me :

(in no particular order)

Thank you for reading.

Although I don't know how you ended up here, I'm happy at the thought that someone might end up here and can only hope that you find something.

If ever...

Final chapter / Epilogue

If ever my life takes a wrong turn, if ever my time on earth meets an abrupt end, I hope this will serve as a memorial for those who knew me. A story left, like many things I've undertaken, unfinished.

But I hope it will also be a good memory in spite of everything. If it is, if this blog is inactive when you find it, then thank you for your time.

This was Plume.

Thank you for having known me.
